Thursday, January 28, 2010

What is Yours?

I have learned this past week that I have to do what I want with my life. I have to stop listening to everyone around me, and listen to me. I am the most important person in my life. I do not mean for this to sound conceded at all, because I will always put others before me. That is who I am. I mean that if I am not happy, I cannot make anyone else happy. For so long, I ignored myself and my needs. I focused on everyone around me and what they needed. I dropped everything to do things for people and never did anything for myself. I also focused on my eating disorder and being skinny. That is all I cared about and I could not do anything else, including my job, my homework, sleep, and just being who I am. This past week I have spent a lot of time with horses because this semester I have a class where I train and take care of a horse until May. Normally, I would not spend much time with horses when I am at school because my horses are at home and I am an RA. I have lost interest in horses the past few years because my focus and love has become my eating disorder. I felt separated from horses and did not want to spend time with them, until I started this new class. This class has forced me to be at the barn and be around horses. I have realized that I still love horses and they are a part of who I am. I am not me without horses. My eating disorder seemed to hide that. I have worked very hard this week feeding horses, cleaning stalls, and training my horse. I have been close to fainting at times because I do not eat enough to sustain myself. I also have been very tired, my whole body hurts, and I have blisters on my hands and feet, but it has been the best week I have had in a long time. When I am with horses, my ED seems to run and hide. I do not think about food or how fat I am. I just live in the moment with those horses. I cannot even express to you all how horses have helped me find me. I know now that I need horses in my life and I will never be without them again. Horses help me fight my ED and be more confident in myself, which I need right now. I have zero self confidence and horses are the one thing I am good at. I struggle with homework and studying. I struggle when I take tests. I have a hard time being social. I have a hard time eating. I struggle when I have to make friends. I struggle with so much, but never with horses. I understand them. I get it. I know what they are going to do before they do it. It is awesome. I hope that everyone has this in their life… the one thing that keeps you sane. The one thing that you live for. Mine is horses. What is yours?


Lou Lou said...

writing keeps me sane!
I feel the same, struggling with everything else. I am so glad you have something that you can live for and that gives you confidence.

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