Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Music Memories

Music has always been a huge part of my life. I always have loved listening to all types of music. I love upbeat songs that put me in a better mood and I also love the slower songs that have a deeper meaning. For me, songs have a hidden meaning behind them. When I listen to a song, I try to figure out what the artist is trying to say. What did he or she mean by that? It is something that I have always done. I even have written a few songs with my own hidden meanings. I love to break the lyrics down and analyze them. Some songs do not have hidden meanings and it is pretty straightforward, so I know the meaning instantly. I prefer the mystery ones though. They leave something to the imagination, so every listener out there can relate to the lyrics. I love that I can interpret the song in my way and then you can interpret the song in your way. It creates diversity among us.

I enjoy many different genres of music. With those different genres come many different artists. I listen to country music the most often, but not the kind about tractors, beer, and the beach. I find that I love country songs about love, hard times, and relationships. I guess lyrics written with real emotion and a lot of passion. I also listen to pop, even though I only like I few of the songs. These songs usually have a good beat behind them, but are nothing from the lyrics standpoint. I do come across a few exceptions though and when I do, those songs go right into my playlist. Maybe it is just me, but I like to actually hear the lyrics and not just the cutting out of inappropriate words. I also like to take it back…back to the very beginning. Sometimes traveling back in time is a good thing, especially when it comes to music. I feel that music has changed so much since the beginning and it is refreshing to hear the older stuff. I mean, today’s artists remake those songs of the past, so I have every right to listen to them. The original versions are better anyway.

Music is universal throughout the world. It brings us together. Music is music no matter what country I am in, how old I am, or what my skin color is. I have seen toddlers as well as the elderly get up and dance to music on the radio. I have seen people of all races sing and dance to their favorite song. Music is something so powerful and impacts everyone everywhere. It sure has done its part in my life. It has always been there, no matter how sad or lonely I have been. All my memories from the past have a song associated with them. Someday I hope to hear a song that reminds me of this part of my life. I have not had that moment yet because I am still very much in this. I have not gotten through yet, but someday I hope to have that moment.


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