Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Eating disorders are so diverse, yet so similar. One person with an eating disorder is most definitely not going to have the same experience as me, but there is a lot that is the same. I strongly believe that communication is a large part in recovery from an eating disorder and sharing experiences can only help. This is my biggest problem. I hate talking about it and I will do whatever I can to avoid the subject. It is just awkward and touchy, especially if I am having a really bad day. BUT I have learned that talking is a great healer. It seems stupid that just talking about something will help, but it is true. I also thought for a long time that no one wanted to hear about my problems, but people do. People who love you care and want to help and once I realized this, my recovery has become much easier to deal with.

The other day I was telling my boyfriend that I just wanted to be normal, but what is normal? There is no norm. I was referring to normal as living without my ED. I would love to spend one day in someone’s shoes who does not struggle with an eating disorder because I do not even remember life before this. What did I think about? Did I just eat when I was hungry? What did I like to eat? What was my favorite food? Did I actually enjoy going out to eat? These are the things I wonder about. I hear people talking about how they are craving something and I wonder what that is like. I hear people talk about how they just can’t say no to their favorite food and I also wonder what that is like. I have so much self control that I could go days without eating and it's not a big deal. For the longest time, I thought that I was normal. That this eating disorder thing was normal, but it's not I guess. I still do not really believe that, but I am working on it. I still think in the back of my mind that everyone eats 500 calories a day, does not drink anything with calories, skips meals, exercises constantly, knows the nutrient facts of all foods, eats in secret, only eats food with less than 3 grams of fat, is sick every day, and feels horrible about themselves all the time. But I guess that’s just me.


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